International applicants to พรพรสำฦต can apply directly to the college themselves anytime but we also recognize that some may want to engage the services of an educational agent.
If you are engaging the use of an educational agent พรพรสำฦต strongly recommends you work with one of our partner agents (pdf) who have been vetted and trained by พรพรสำฦต.
Partner agents are compensated by พรพรสำฦต for each student they assist who attends พรพรสำฦต.
Before future students engage the services of an educational agent we also recommend students read the “ ” document which is published by the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). Download Trusted Sources in , , , , or .
Please note that future students/applicants can contact พรพรสำฦต directly at any time via email or phone whether you are using an education agent or not.